Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What is my blog about?


my name is Julie and I am from Austria. I am nearly 21 years old and currently an exchange student at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls. My home university, the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt is located in the very south of Austria which is close to the boarder of Slovenia and Italy.
This fall I am taking the Digital Advertising class, where we have to promote a brand of our interst.
As I recognized a lot of people in the US always understand Australia when I tell them where I am from and don't really know what I am talking about. So I decided to tell you as much as I can about my lovely homecountry Austria.
Sooo.. here we go..
Austria is located in the middle of Europe - it's heart :)  It is a pretty small country with about
32385.5 square miles and a population of approximatley 8.4 milion.  The capital of Austria is Vienna where about 1.7 milion people live.
Our language is German but it is very common to speak different dialects throughout the country.
The country is divided in nine provinces which are: Vorarlberg, Tyrol, Salzburg, Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Styria, Burgenland and Carinthia. More about the political system I will post the next time!